Favorites of our employees


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19 products

SALTHOUSE® Original Totes Meer Therapie | Badesalz PUR | vegan | 500g
Butchers Son 2in1 Body and Hair Medium 420ml
Sold out
Dresdner Essenz® | Fernweh-Duschgel | Feels like Summer | 250ml
SALTHOUSE® Original Totes Meer Therapie | Intensiv Creme | FORTE | 100ml
Perlweiss® | Schönheits Zahnweiss | strahlender Glanz | 50 ml
Sold out
SALTHOUSE® Original Totes Meer Therapie | Beruhigende Maske akut | 2 x 7 ml
Butchers Son 2in1 Body and Hair Well-Done 420ml
Perlweiss® | Power Whitening Strips | Express-Zahnaufhellung mit sofort-Effekt | 5 x 2 Strips
SALTHOUSE® Original Totes Meer Therapie | Hyaluron Gesichtscreme 24h | 50ml
Dresdner Essenz® | Badesalz | "statt Blumen" | 60g
SALTHOUSE® Original Totes Meer Therapie | Handbalsam | Intensiv | 70ml
SALTHOUSE® Original Totes Meer Therapie | Anti-Schuppen Shampoo | 250 ml
Perlweiss® | Dental Bleaching Set | 8 levels whiter teeth after 7 days | Repair & Protect Protection Gel | 10ml
SALTHOUSE® Original Totes Meer Therapie | Shampoo | Anti-Juckreiz | 250 ml
Dresdner Essenz® | Badepuder | Duftender Blütenkuss | 150 g
SALTHOUSE® Original Totes Meer Therapie | Duschgel | Sensitiv | Haut&Haar | 250ml
SALTHOUSE® Original Totes Meer Therapie | Badesalz | Gelenk & Muskelwohl | 400 g
Organspendeausweis als Plastikkarte
Dresdner Essenz Sensitiv Hautoel Streichelzarte Pfingstrose 100ml

Favorites of our employees

Discover our employees' favorites on Warenpoint.de! This exclusive product category includes carefully selected items that are particularly popular with our team.

Our employees have tested every product in this category and found them to be outstanding. So you can rest assured that you are getting quality items that meet the high standards set by our experts. Rely on the opinions and experiences of our dedicated staff to select the best products for your needs.

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