Natürliche Schönheit: Bodylotion selber machen - Einfache Rezepte für strahlende Haut
Willkommen in der Welt der natürlichen Schönheit! In einer Ära, in der wir zunehmend auf die Inhaltsstoffe achten, die wir auf unsere Haut auftragen, gewinnt die Herstellung eigener Körperpflegepro...
Natürlich strahlend: DIY-Gesichtspeeling selber machen
Willkommen in der Welt des DIY-Gesichtspeelings – wo strahlende Haut und natürliche Schönheit Hand in Hand gehen! Du möchtest deiner Haut etwas Gutes tun und gleichzeitig auf Chemie verzichten? Dan...
Effektive Gesichtspflege für Trockene Haut: Ein Leitfaden zur Strahlenden Haut
Willkommen zu unserem umfassenden Leitfaden für effektive Gesichtspflege bei trockener Haut! Ein strahlender Teint ist nicht nur ein Zeichen von Schönheit, sondern auch von gesunder Haut. Doch für ...
Strahlende Haut selbst gemacht: DIY Feuchtigkeitsmasken für ein gesundes Gesicht
Feuchtigkeitsmasken sind ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil der Hautpflege, der dazu beiträgt, die Haut mit wichtiger Feuchtigkeit zu versorgen. Trockene Haut kann zu Unannehmlichkeiten wie Spannungsg...
What helps against pimples, blackheads and impure skin?
A balanced diet, enough water and sufficient sleep form the basis of healthy skin flora as well as combating impure skin. Regular physical activity can also improve skin health because sweating eli...
Is salt water good for the skin?
Salt dissolved in water is a simple, easy-to-make and easy-to-use tool for extra deep cleansing and removing excess oil from the skin . At the same time, the salt has a calming and even disinfec...
Strengthening the skin barrier: the best tips and tricks
The skin is the largest organ in our body and fulfills many important functions - for example, it protects the body from external influences and prevents it from losing too much water. A healt...
Make face masks yourself: That's how it works!
For as long as mankind has existed, skin care has played an important role. Already in ancient Egypt, beautiful women like Cleopatra worked towards maintaining their youthful-looking and fresh ski...
Is glycerin bad for the skin?
It is discussed again and again whether glycerin has a negative effect on the skin and should be used in cosmetic products. Basically, in low concentrations, glycerin is harmless to the body and...
Combination skin care – find the right routine
When facial skin is dry in some areas but oily and impure in other areas, many people are at their wits' end. In fact, over 20% of all German women have combination skin. Fortunately, with th...
Hydrocortisone Eczema: How Does It Help?
This article presents the effects of cortisone or hydrocortisone in the treatment of neurodermatitis and highlights the opportunities and risks of using cortisone ointments and other cortisone pre...
Use vitamin C serum in the morning or in the evening?
The skin is the largest human organ. So it's no wonder that she gets special attention and daily care. An important part of a comprehensive and effective skin care routine is vitamin C. The acti...
Facial care during pregnancy: you should pay attention to this
Many women suffer from hormonal skin problems during pregnancy. This article shows what is important when it comes to facial care.
Treatment options for hormonal acne
Acne is a skin disease and although it is one of the most common skin conditions, it is still fraught with shame and powerful psychosocial consequences.
Home remedies for itchy skin
Do you sometimes suffer from itchy skin? Then you know how annoying it can be in most situations! Those affected often do not know what to do other than scratching the itchy area extensively . The...
Causes of pimples and what helps against them
Everyone knows them and nobody likes them: pimples, blackheads and impurities. The unwelcome companions affect some more, others less. But we all want to get rid of those annoying companions as ...
Natural antibiotic – What is antibacterial?
Nature offers effective antibiotics that do not have any side effects. Phytotherapy in particular relies on herbal active ingredients as an alternative to pharmaceutical products. But what dist...
Oily skin on your face - how to get rid of it!
Oily skin is resilient, and with the right care, the skin type can even prove beneficial. After all, wrinkles appear less frequently with age than with dry skin.
Chronic skin diseases
Skin diseases, also called dermatoses , refer to diseases of the skin, nails or hair as well as the sebaceous and sweat glands. They are caused, for example, by hormonal changes, autoimmune diseas...