
Get started wrinkle-free: The ultimate guide to ironing correctly!

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Get started wrinkle-free: The ultimate guide to ironing correctly!

Whether for professional meetings or the perfect outfit for special occasions – a well-groomed appearance plays a crucial role. And who doesn't know it? The slight hesitation when you stand in front of the ironing board and ask yourself: “How do you iron properly?” Don't worry, we have the answer! In our latest blog post we give you comprehensive instructions with valuable tips and tricks to make ironing child's play. Because if you feel comfortable in your clothes, you radiate it. Immerse yourself in the world of the perfectly ironed look and discover how you can easily get started wrinkle-free with the help of our instructions!

The preparation

Before you start ironing, good preparation is important. First, you should sort all the clothes, as it is important to iron the clothes with the lowest ironing temperature first, such as silk, and then the items that require a higher temperature, such as cotton clothes. If you are unsure, check the care labels on the garments so that you can set the correct ironing temperature afterwards. Make sure your iron is clean and has enough water for the steam function. The ironing area should also be well lit so that you can see wrinkles and creases better. Also use an ironing board with a heat-resistant base. With these tips you are well prepared and the ironing can begin!

The correct ironing technique

Proper ironing technique can make the difference between wrinkle-free clothing and wrinkle-free clothing. If you are unsure about a piece, it is recommended that you start at the lowest temperature and gradually increase it to avoid burning. Always iron in one direction to minimize wrinkling. If you have stubborn wrinkles, a steam iron can be helpful, or you can simply spray some water onto the clothes yourself using a spray bottle. Otherwise we recommend ours Spray starch and ironing aid for an optimal result. In addition , you must always remember to move the iron continuously to avoid damaging the fabric. Make sure to always iron garments inside out to protect the material and try to hang clothes straight after ironing to avoid creasing again. With these tips your ironing technique will be professional.

Correct ironing of shirts and blouses

Ironing can be a challenge, especially when it comes to shirts and blouses. Always start with the collar, lay it flat and iron from the center outwards. Next come the cuffs and sleeves. Iron the inside first, then the outside. Iron the body of the shirt from top to bottom, being careful to smooth out any wrinkles. The same applies to blouses, but with additional caution when using delicate materials such as silk. A tip: iron items of clothing when they are still slightly damp. This makes it easier to smooth out wrinkles. With a little practice and patience, ironing becomes child's play.

Correct ironing of trousers | How is the crease created in suit trousers?

To create the perfect crease on suit pants, start by laying out the pants on the ironing board. First, iron the waistband on the inside to smooth out any wrinkles. Turn the pants inside out and iron the outside of the waistband too. Then place the trouser legs on top of each other so that the seams meet. Gently iron along the edge to create the crease. Be careful to avoid wrinkles and burns. Use your iron's steam function to smooth out stubborn wrinkles. Be sure to hang the pants immediately after ironing to avoid wrinkles. Use these tips and tricks to ensure your suit pants always look wrinkle-free and professional.

Ironing tricks for special situations: How to properly iron collars, cuffs or pleats to achieve a professional look.

Ironing can sometimes be tricky, especially with collars, cuffs and pleats. But with a few tricks it becomes child's play. Always start ironing from the inside out. For collars and cuffs, we recommend ironing the bottom first and then the top. If there are wrinkles, iron the inside first and then the outside. Another tip is to slightly dampen the clothes. This ensures a smoother surface and makes ironing easier. With these tips, your outfit will look professional in no time. Try it!

Tips for difficult fabrics: How to properly iron silk, wool or polyester and achieve wrinkle-free results.

Silk, wool and polyester require different ironing techniques. For silk, it is advisable to use the lowest ironing setting and always iron from the reverse side to avoid shine. Especially with thin items of clothing, it can also be useful to place a slightly damp cloth between the iron and the item to avoid direct contact and possible burns. Wool requires a medium setting and should be ironed with a damp cloth to prevent burning. For polyester, a cool to medium setting is optimal. To get rid of wrinkles, steam can be helpful. Always make sure to move the iron continuously to avoid damaging the fabric. These tips will help you achieve wrinkle-free results, regardless of the fabric.

Ironing without an ironing board: Alternatives to ironing without an ironing board

Ironing without an ironing board can be a challenge, but there are some alternatives. A clean, flat table with a thick cotton cloth or towel on it can serve as a substitute. Make sure the table is heat-resistant. Another option is to use a laundry folding plate. These are often made of heat-resistant material and provide a smooth surface for ironing. Another alternative is ironing on the floor. Place a thick towel on a carpet and you have an improvised ironing station.

Iron Care: How to properly clean and care for your iron to extend its lifespan.

A clean iron is the key to wrinkle-free clothes. Cleaning your iron is easier than you think. First, let the iron cool down and unplug it. You can wipe the exterior surfaces with a soft cloth and mild detergent. For the soleplate, use a vinegar-water mix and a clean cloth. You can treat stubborn stains with baking soda. Don't forget to descale the iron regularly. Special descalers or simple vinegar are suitable for this. A well-maintained iron not only ensures better ironing results, but also extends the life of the device.

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